Among them, ginger (Zingiber officinale) stands out, which has been used both as a spice, especially in cooking, for its spicy acid flavor and unique aroma, and as herbal medicine in the treatment of arthritis, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, primary dysmenorrhea, seasickness and oncological therapies 3. Given the above, experts have highlighted the antidiabetic properties of food supplements traditionally used in different cultures around the planet. With this in mind, a number of research studies have been developed in an attempt to incorporate strategies that can minimize the lack of medication adherence and improve glycemic control. However, oral antidiabetic medications are commonly associated with unwanted adverse effects that lead to discontinuation of therapy or clinical inertia, influencing the chronicity degree of the disease 2. Currently, the clinical treatment is mainly focused on pharmacological interventions. When diagnosed with this disease, the patient generally presents metabolic dysregulations that require continuous and expensive care. Even after years of research, Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) is still characterized as one of the main chronic diseases in the world 1.